[Fables] Two works in 1 vol.: (1) Ausserlesene Fablen
von denen berühmtesten Frantzösischen Autoren dieser Zeit in Reimen gebracht (...). Augsburg, printed by Andr. Waschenbauer for J.J. Krauss, 1721, 2 parts. (10), 52, (1) p. German and French text, w. 2 engr. frontisp., 1 engr. plate for the preface, and 2 series of 24 and 28 numb. half-p. engr. ills., 19th c. half chagrin, ribbed and gilt-lettered spine, sm. 4to. 1st frontisp. re-attached, some minor restorations, some lvs. re-cut sl. short, occas. foxing, binding sl. rubbed.
Bound w.: (2) Ausserlesene fablen (...). Augsburg, J.U. Krauss and Abr. Steisslinger, 1727. (4), 106 p. German, French and Italian text in 3 parallel columns, w. engr. frontisp., 1 plate and 95 half-p. ills. numb. I-XCV and 1 unnumb. half-p. vignette. Some minor restorations, a few lvs. cut sl. short, occas. sl. foxing and waterst. Two fable books nicely illustrated by the Krauss family in Augsburg. The first work contains 52 fables in French verse by La Fontaine and other contemp. French fabulists. Each fable appears 1st in French verse in two columns, followed by the German prose transl. by Balthasar Nickisch in a single column. The second book contains 95 of the Aesop fables in Italian (transl. by Giovanni Veneroni), in German (by Nikisch) and in French (unidentified) prose transl. (total 2 works in 1 vol.)