[Education] Five French titles: (1) J. Ballexserd. Dissertation sur l'education physique
depuis leur naissance jusq'à l'âge de puberté. Ouvrage qui a remporté le prix le 21 Mai 1762, à la Société Hollandoise des Sciences. Paris, Vallat-La-Chapelole, 1762. (16),238,(2) p. Contemp. hcalf, gilt spine w. mor. letterpiece, owner's entry "J. Louis Bourdillon" (almost certainly Jean-Louis Bourdillon (1782-1856)). 12mo. Ex library copy of the Bibliotheek Academie voor Lichamelijke Opvoeding, w. scattered stamps and (remnants of) labels (1 on foot of spine).
1st ed. of this comprehensive manual on the physical education of children. Not in Cioranescu, nor in Buisson, Nouv. Dict. de Pédagogie. (2) J.B. Basedow. Nouvelle méthode d'éducation. Traduite de l'allemand par. Mr. Huber. Francfurt and Leipsic, "en commission chez Gaspar Fritsch", 1772. XVI,398 p. Contemp. blindst. calf, ribbed spine. Good copy from the library of Detlev von Arnim-Kröchlendorff (1878-1947), w. his stamp (and "doublette") on title-p. Not in Duyx, De Filantropijnen. Rare. (3) É. Barruel. Plan d'Éducation Nationale, considerée sous le rapport des livres élémentaires. Paris, Desenne, 1791. (4),215 p. W. 1 large fold. table, contemp. half calf, ribbed and gilt spine, corners of boards sl. dam. The rare 1st ed. Cioranescu, Education, 3766. -and 2 others of a similar nature. (total 5)