[Big Little Books] (1) Walt Disney. Mickey Mouse
The Mail Pilot. The Big Little Book, 1933. 298 p. (2) Mickey Mouse and the Magic Lamp. 1942. (3) Sails for Treasure Island (spine sl. dam.), 1933. (4) And Pluto the Racer (spine sl. dam.), 1936. (5) The World of Tomorrow. 1948 -and (6) Donald DuckUp in the Air, 1945 (7) Off the Beam, 1943. (8) Headed for Trouble, 1942 (lacks title page). (9) Forgets to Duck, 1939. (10) and Ghost Morgan's Treasure, 1946. Added: Perry Winkle and the Rinkey-Dinks (2 vols.), Popeye (2 vols.), Blondie (2 vols.), Harold Teen and Moon Mullins and Ka Yo.
(total 18)