Anton Pieck (1895-1987). Collection of 40 ex libris
Various sizes, mostly woodcuts, all signed or monogrammed in the technique, all but one tipped onto mounts.
Incl. a few duplicates/ variants. A very fine, large collection, comprising ex libris for a.o.: K.J. Batenburg; Lili Berkeljon; P. Boeynaems (2, incl. 1 untrimmed copy); A.H. Borgers; Jacques Dikshoorn; M.C. Ennema (2, variants in blue and brown); L.J. Heuts; R. Kuitert (2, variants in blue and black); John Lanting; W.M. Naessens; Otto Reitsma; P.A.J. v.d. Smaal (w. annotation "plagiaat Anton Pieck" on verso of mount); K. de Snoo; W. Verkoren; Th. Weebers; and Hannie van Zutphen. (total 40)