[Dordrecht. Fine bindings] Matthys Balen. Beschryvinge der stad Dordrecht,
varvattende haar begin, opkomst, toeneming, en verdere stant (...). Dordrecht, S. onder de Linde, 1687. (16),1358,(24) p. 4to. Incl. the following etched/ engr. plates outside collation: frontisp.; fold. profile; large fold. map; 10 portraits; 1 large fold. plate w. coats of arms; 4 large fold. historical prints by Romeyn de Hooghe and others (strictly following the binder's index at the end); 1 extra large fold. portrait of Andreas Colvius by S. Savery, 1646; and many woodcut (some engr.) coats of arms in the text. Very finely bound in late 18th cent. richly gilt red morocco by the "Curved Lacework Bindery" of Hendrik de Haas (active 1765-1800), richly dec. covers, turn-ins, board edges and spine w. dec. compartments between raised bands, a.e.g., gauffered border, corner fleurons, w. the orig. marbled board slipcase and mor. letterpiece preserved, loosely inserted business card of Mr. C. Baron Speijart van Worden (Breda), w. manuscript annotation: "Den Weledelgeboren Heer J.J.G. Blussé van (printed name) met beleefde dankzegging voor verleend gebruik."
Fold. map and plate w. coats of arms backed, the latter w. large tear, occas. sm. internal defects such as sl. waterst, the letterpiece on the spine might be of a later date, sm. scratches on binding, otherwise in excellent condition. Storm van Leeuwen, Dutch Dec. Bookbinding, IIA, p. 500-510, mentions Blussé as client of Hendrik de Haas. This copy w. fine provenance: it has always been in the Blussé family, known for the famous Dordrecht publ. and bookseller's firm Blussé, given by descent to the present owner. Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 17; Landwehr, Romeyn de Hooghe as Book Ill., 45. See also lot 281 in this auction.