Günter Brus, Die Schasstrommel
Eight issues of the famous review of Viennese Actionism (17, all published 1969-1977). Edited by Gunter Brus in Bolzano while in exile in Germany, fleeing Austria's charges for subversive political/artistic actions. The review presents (some original) contributions by Brus and friends such as Valie Export, Rudolf Schwarzkogler, Gerhard Ruhm, Dieter Roth, Otto Muehl and Hermann Nitsch. With signature screenprinted covers in various colours. Published by Edition Hansjorg Mayer, ed. of 500.
Includes: (1) No.2 Second Edition, May 1970. Missing one of the metal clips. (2) No.7 May 1972. (3) No.8 A, Brus Aktionen 64-66, June 1972. (4) No.8 B, Brus Aktionen 67-68, December 1972. (5) No.8 C, Brus Aktionen 69-70, December 1972. Moderately dog-eared. (6) No.9, February 1973. Published in edition of 1000 with two different covers by Rot and Brus (this copy by Brus). (7) No.10, September 1973. (8) No.12, August 1974. (total 8)