Interfunktionen 12 and Ragile 3, both with interventions by Daniel Buren
(1) Interfunktionen No.12, 1975. Paper for New Visual and Verbal Works. Cologne, Verlag Heubach, 1975. Edited by Benjamin Buchloh. Printed b/w, text in German and English.
This issue of the German art periodical includes a wrapper and inserts by Daniel Buren, and contributions by Carl André, Hollis Frampton, Yvonne Rainer, David Lamelas, Anselm Kiefer et al. Some toning on cover, otherwise a fine copy.
(2) Ragile Tome III, Recherches artistiques et théoretiques. Paris, IM Media, 1979. Softcover, 27 x 18.5 cm, 104 pp. Edited by Serge Renaudie, text in French. With a special on avantgarde Polish art/Foksal Gallery plus an artists' contribution by Daniel Buren spread all over the book titled '0,51 cm x 17 = 8,67 cm'. (total 2)