Sten Hanson, Albert Mertz
(1) Two artists' booklets by Sten Hanson: IV unplayable games (1968-72) and Sound and Normal Middle-Class Life (event poem). Volumes 3 and 4 from Selected works 1961-75, each 14 x 10.5 cm. Published by Länsmansgardens, Rimbo Sweden, 1973. Poetic text pieces, both in mint condition.
(2) Albert Mertz, En Udstilling, Une Exposition, An Exhibition, Eine Austellung. Hellerup Danmark, Tranegarden Gentoftes Kommunes Kunstbibliothek, 1976. Conceptual 'katalog', delightful visual text work by the Swedish artist and sound poet. 21 x 15 cm, 10 pp. All booklets near mint. (total 3)