Mel Bochner and Robert Barry
Mel Bochner by Mel Bochner. Milan, Editore Toselli, 1970. 10 pp. 18 b/w photos of works in situ in Italy. + Mel Bochner: 11 excerpts (1967-1970) / 11 extraits (1967-1970). Paris, Ileana Sonnabend, 1971. 32 pp. Eleven brief statements about Art. Printed in English and French. Very rare item.
+ Robert Barry, All the things I know but of which I am not at the moment thinking - 1:36 pm; June 15, 1969. Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 1974. Text Lucy R. Lippard. Stedelijk Museum cat. No. 565. 40 pp. (total 3)