Maandblad "Verf en kleur". Years 1 and 2
Amst., Vereenigde Drukkerijen for N.V. Uitgevers-Mij. "Amsterdam", 1924-1925, 24 parts (2 copies April-March) in 2 vols. Continuous pagination 236; 216 p. Folio. Orig. unif. gilt buckram, num. fold. double-p. or tipped-in col. lithogr. plates ("bijvoegsels") and full-p. ills. (incl. a thin copper plate) after a.o.: Dirk Filarski; Albert Klijn; Boerman; Jelle Troelstra; and W. Schimmel. Several other col. plates, tipped-in b/w plates, ills., num. ill. adverts.
Pagination irregular, but apparently complete, 1st and final lvs. and some other lvs. browned, 1 plate loose, otherwise very good copies. The first 2 years of this very rare, extensively ill. commercial periodical. (total 2)