Eight miscell. titles/ items: (1) Anton Kothuys. Lanterna magica mescalina
Een toverlantaarn met 24 plaatjes voor Lou van Gasteren. Amst., "maart april mei 1964", privately published in 24 stencilled ("gedrukt op de hektograveermasjiene van Rik van Bentum") numb. copies (this copy numbered 26 [sic]), (50) p. printed w. text and w. 24 sets of 2 ills. on 1 side only, orig. stapled wr. w. mounted xeroxed title on front, 28 x 23 cm.
With extensive manuscript dedication signed "Anton", to Thijs Chanowski "in dank voor medewerking happening living painting/ peinture vivante woensdagavond 15/ VII/ 64". Anton Kothuys (Kothuis) (1935-2007) was a cinematographer, Louis van Gasteren (1922-2016) was a director and Thijs Chanowski (1930-2017) was a television producer and director. (2) Rein Jansma. Stairs. Production Joost Elffers. N. pl., n. publ., 1982, pop-up book with ten plates depicting stairs, orig. cl., 25.5 x 19 cm, together with textleaf, booklet "De reiziger en de cartograaf" by Jaap Goudsmit and vinyl single with the composition "Circles" by Philp Glass, in board slipcase. Spine a bit faded. Slipcase with fold along the back. (3) Johnny Friedlaender. Oeuvre 1961-1965. Published by Roland Hanßel. New York/ Stuttg., Touchstone/ Manus Presse, n.d., one of 200 numb. copies with orig. signed lithograph and orig. signed col. etching loosely inserted (this copy numbered 104), 76, (4) p., richly illustrated (incl. tipped-in col. plates), orig. gilt cl., folio, in board slipcase. Cl. sl. faded/ stained; paper detaching from spine. (4) Leonel. Jan. Geluid en tekeningen door Leonel. Holland, privately published, October 1971, printed in 100 copies, 14 lvs. printed with illustrated text on 1 side only, orig. stapled wr., obl. sm. 8vo (spine faded). And 4 others, incl. orig. material of the project "Nooit meer zeker weten" by Anne van Priel (1994). (total 8)