[Dutch poetry] Hendrik de Vries. Collection of almost 50 publications
Ca. 1920-2006, all in orig. bindings, hc w. wr., various sizes.
Very extensive collection, mostly by De Vries, incl. (rare) 1st ed. of early works. Incl. some biographical and bibliographical works, such as Van der Vegt's biography (2006). Comprised of a.o.: De Nacht (1920); Vlamrood (1922); Lofzangen (1923); Coplas (1935, sheet music by J. Mul w. words by De Vries); Silenen (1928, 200 copies); Robijnen (n.d., clandestine publ. in 525 numb. copies. Quosque Tandem 13); Groningsche poëzie (1941); Drie verzen buiten de Tovertuin (1995, 75 numb. copies); and Atlantische balladen (1937, 175 numb. copies. Ursa Minor 3). Also incl. a very fine large photogr. portrait of Hendrik de Vries by Chris van Houts. (total approx. 50)