[Friesland. History] Pieter Winsemius. Chronique ofte Historische geschiedenisse
van Vrieslant, beginnende vanden Jaere nae des Werelts scheppinghe 3635 ende loopende tot den Jaere nae de gheboorte Christi 1622. Franeker, J. Lamrinck, 1622. (12),913,(61) p. 1st ed. Vellum, engr. allegorical title, large fold. map surrounded by coats of arms of the Frisian towns and districts by A. Metius and G. Freitag, engr. by Pieter van Harlingen, fold. plan of Franeker by Pieter Bast and a folded plan of Leeuwarden by P. van Harlingen, num. portraits and ills. incl. sieges of Franeker and Leeuwarden.
Overlapping vellum, text sl. browned, otherwise a good copy.