[History. Dutch] G. Baudartius. Pourtraits en taille douce, et descriptions
des sieges, batailles, rencontres & autres choses advenues durant les guerres des Pays bas, sous le commandement des Hauts & Puissants Seigneurs les Estats Generaux des Provinces Unies; & la conduite des Tresillustres Princes Guillaume Prince d'Orange & Maurice de Nassau son fils. Amst., M. Colin de Thovoyon, 1616. 2 vols. (6),466; (4),493,(6) p. 4to. Engr. title-p. and 280 plates and portraits, incl. 1 map and 1 double-p. bird's eye view engr., contemp. unif. calf w. gilt spine, obl., both vols. w. former owner's signature dated 1693 on first free endpaper ("monsieur Charles Ballardy adt. en La Cour a Brignolle").
Vol. 1 lacks letterpress title w. the privilege verso, vol. 2 lacks leaf Yy2 (p. 351-352, w. text only) and index quire Sss, both vols. sl. waterst., titles and a few other lvs. lacking sm. portions of margins (not affecting text), and a few lvs. cut short in upper margin, occas. staining, sl. spine dam. Important, detailed and finely ill. history about the Eighty Year's War up to 1615 in French transl. (total 2)