Ian Hamilton Finlay, twelve garden related cards
published by Wild Hawthorn Press. (1) 3 posts for a stream. IHF. Concertina card. (2) Figleaf. IHF / Ron Costley, 1992. (3) Panzer am Waldrande. IHF / Jim Nicholson. (4) A Red Admiral or A.B. IHF / Ivy Sky Rutzky.
(5) Poppy, n. the Phrygian flower. IHF / Jo Hinks. (6) Net markers of the disciples. Christmas 1999, Little Sparta. (7) Thomas Jefferson’s Garden Book, 1986. (8) Les Sans-Culottes. IHF / Laurie Clark. (9) Blue water’s bark. IHF / Diane Tammes, 1972. (10) Arbre de la Liberté, 1987. (11) Capital, n. A republican crown. IHF / Lucius Burckhardt. (12) The pears and frets of nettles. IHF / Stephanie Kedik, 1986. (total 12)