[Bible. Elsevier] Biblia, dat is: De gantsche H. Schrifture
vervattende alle de canonijcke boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments. Leyden, Weduwe end Erffgenamen van Johannes Elzevier, 1663. 3 parts in 2 vols. 12 engr., incl. double-p. maps and plates of religious nature by a.o. A. de Putter, François van Bleyswijck, and Philip van Gunst bound w. or loosely inserted into vols. Rebound, halfcl. with orig. blindst. calf laid over new wooden boards, folio.
The "States Bible" was the 1st officially authorized translation of the Bible into Dutch (the "Statenvertaling"), commissioned during the Synod of Dordrecht (1618-1619).The transl. was completed in 1635 and 1st publ. in 1637. The present vols. are 1 of 2 publ. by Elzevier in 1663 of the Statenvertaling (the rarer of the 2 publ.). Some p. loose and worn, title-p. dam. and rep., foxing and (water)st. throughout, lacking 2 p. at end of 1st vol. Sold w.a.f.(total 2)