[Magazines] Henk J. Meier. Ratio
No. 1-16 (=all issues), 1964-65.
Added: (2) Podium. Ed. Remco Campert, photography by Johan van der Keuken and Sanne Sannes a.o. Oct. 1966-Dec. 1967. All issued vols. in magazine size. (3) T. Kars, B. van Houten, Keller. Tegenstroom 1964. No. 59 of 95 bundled vols. of the first 6 issues of this literary magazine. (4) Twen/Taboe vol. 1-4 (=all issued), 1960-61. (5) Simon Vinkenoog. Blurb 4, 1950 and Blurb 1-9. Facs. ed., de Beuk (6) Simon Vinkenoog. Political leaflet 'Aan alle Lastige Amsterdammers' for Provo list 12, 1966. -and 3 more magazines from the 1960s (Weggooitekst 4.5, Manifest 2, 1964 and 10, 1965). (total 36)