Mail art exhibition flyers
Collection of 27 flyers, cards and posters from the collection of Dutch mail artist Bart Boumans, mostly from the 1980s. Contains various invitations to participate in theme shows such as 'Everywoman is a gentleman' (Gallery Kunst & Handwerk Rosenheim, Germany 1985); 'Women Today', send your meaning about this theme on a postcard to Dieter Brookmann DDR (signed Brooky);
A Movie Star Mail Art Show & Starzine, Union City CA, 1983; Artistic Activities in the Countryside, 1982 organized by H/R.Fricker; 'Body Parts' organized by Larry Rippel 1983; Chuck Stake's 'Xerox Fever', Canada 1982; Baroni's 'Mail Art Show Show', a post art querilla project 1984; The World International Mail Art Exhibition, Amsterdam 1982; International Summertime Mail Art Show, Yokohama Japan 1983. Also includes a large poster, 100 x 68 cm, Salva la Campagna Romana, Sept 1982. Verso features around 300 addresses of mail artists. (total 27)