Mail Art from Belgium, 1980s
(1) Johan van Geluwe (13x). Includes a French fries paper cone, rubber stamped with various texts such as 'Souvenir from Belgium' and 'Eddy Merckx could have been a great artist'. Paper worn at extremities. Also contains an original collage, A4 format, profusely stamped with 'Museum of Museums, Waregem' logos.
2) Various mail art magazines including Créatif Art Revue, Brussels (9x), De Media, Eeklo (5x), Aerosol, Oudergem (8x) and Vit-Art, Leuven (8x). (3) Seventeen miscellaneous cards and flyers featuring Metallic Avau, Thierry Thillier et al. (4) Guy Schraenen, card from the Archive for Small Press & Communication with attached cord and stamped text announcing the Mail Artists Encounter exhibition in Antwerp, 1982. (5) Thick cardboard postcard fully stamped, announcing the Exposition Internationale de Tampons, at I.S.E.L.P. Brussels, 1981. (total 62)