(1) 't Sprookje van de dikke vette pannekoek
Liza Tezner. Eindhoven, Lecturis, (1926). (16) p., 13 col. plates by Maria Braun. Hcl. oblong with pictorial boards. Binding loose from block. (2) De vliegende kogel, geïllustreerd door Jan Rinkie. Amsterdam, Scheltens & Giltay, (1916). 13 p. text with 13. col. plates. Hcl. with pictorial boards and "gunshot" hole through boards and all pages.
(3) Bob's autorit. Jenny de Bloeme, ills. by Bruno Grimmer. Gouda, G.B. van Goor Zonen, (1925). (16) p. Hcl. with pict. boards, oblong. -and 4 other oblong picturebooks. All with mild wear. (total 7)