[Printbibles. Merian] Thesaurus Historiarum Novi Testamenti
(...) Historien en openbaaringen des Nieuwen Testaments. Konstich geteeckent door Matthaeum Merian ende Pieter Hendricksz Schut. Op nieus gedruckt en utgegeven door Nocolaes Visscher. N.pl. (Amst.), N. Visscher, n.d. (ca. 1660), 2 parts in 1 vol. (the New Testament preceded by the Old Testament that lacks the title-p.), 62; 1-24, 26-111; (2),1-14, 16-78 lvs, almost all. w. engr. full-p. ill., modern vellum w. orig. limp. vellum leaf bound with, obl. sm. 4to.
Lacks at least the title-p. to the Old Testament, a portion of leaf 9 in that part and a few other lvs. from the bookblock, probably also a few lvs. at the end. Waterst. in upper outer corner almost throughout; a few quires/ lvs loose. Sold w.a.f., not subject to return. A very rare printbible, also published by Nicolaes Visscher in folio size.