[Dutch Children's books] Lot of nine: (1) Marietje Witteveen. De Tuintjes
Rott., Luctor, n.d. (1950), col ills. by M. Witteveen, obl. 4to. Sticker "Leonard Tijssen" on inside front cover. Covers and edges sl. worn, occas. foxing. (2) Frans Lammers. Acht oude wijsjes. N.pl., Neprebo, 1938. Obl. sm. 8vo. 8 children's songs w. col. (surrealist) ills. (3) Marco Oppers. Okki Hoessah op het vliegveld. Den Haag, G.B. van Goor zonen, n.d. (ca. 1943). Col. full-p. ills. throughout. Covers sl. loose and worn/stained, sl. foxing.
-and 6 others. Most w. ex libris Bunny Kelk. (total 9)