[Brabant] Approximately 350 maps, views, plans and historical prints
17th-19th cent., var. techniques and sizes, loosely inserted in 2 modern rexine portfolios. Comprises a.o. approx. 75 "Gemeentekaartjes" from J. Kuyper, Gemeente-atlas, vol. 1, ca. 1865, views from Craandijk & Schipperus, Wandelingen door Nederland, ca. 1880, fine plans from Boxhorn, ca. 1625, views by Bouttats/ Peeters, ca. 1700, views by Hendrik Spilman after J. de Beyer from the Tegenwoordige Staat, ca. 1750-60, profile views from Guicciardini and from Meisner, Schatkästlein, ca. 1630 and historical prints from Bor. Contains views and maps of a.o. Crevecoeur, Cromvoirt, Deursen, Dieden, Diessen, Drunen, Doorne, Dommelen, Escharen, Geertruidenberg, Gemert, Kuik, Leende, Lillo, Megen, Nieuw-Vosmeer, Nuland, Oerle, Ossendrecht, Putte and Schijndel.
Many duplicates. Sold as a collection of prints, not subject to return. (total approx. 350)