[Dordrecht] Approximately 220 views, plans and historical prints
17th-19th cent., var. techniques and sizes, loosely inserted in modern rexine portfolio. Comprises a.o.: sm. engr. plans from Guicciardini, sm. view by Coronelli w. Haarlem on 1 leaf, 2 Bouttats views (first half 17th cent.), many sm. Tirion plans, views by Bulthuis, J.F.C. Reckleben and Harrewijn, a fine series of col. lithogr. views, steel engr. views from Terwen, ca. 1860 and H. Spilman after J. de Beyer, from the Tegenwoordige Staat, ca. 1750.
Many duplicates. Sold as a collection of prints, not subject to return. (total approx. 220)