[Portraits. House of Orange] Six miscellaneous large portraits: (1) Jonas Suyderhoef (1613-86)
"Guilielmus Nassavius princeps Auriacus, etc." Engr. portrait of William of Orange, 43.5 x 35.5 cm, after Pieter Soutman (1593-1657) and publ. by the same, signed and w. address in the plate. Remnants of former owner's ticket in right margin, collector's mark of Theodor Falkeisen (1768-1814) & Johann Friedrich Huber (1766-1823) (Lugt 1008) verso. Some restored sm. holes/ sm. tears, sl. foxed and traces of former mount verso. Very fine, contemp. impression on paper w. sun watermark. (2) Christoph Wilhelm Bock (1755-1836). "Iacobus Theophilus Rudolphus Volcamer (...)". Engr. portrait, 42.5 x 29 cm, after A. Urlaub (painting from 1776), signed in the plate. Sm. tears in (very wide) blank margins, some minor other imperfections, but a good copy of this fine large portrait. -and engr. portraits of Louis Marie Grave van Welderen (1784), Jan van Borssele (1754) and Sir Walter Raleigh (1739), and a tinted lithogr. portrait of Laurens Janszoon Coster.
(total 6)