[Religion] 14 miscellaneous prints: (1) Jean Audran (1667-1757). "Le Sauveur
exposé aux moqueries et aux outrages des pecheurs". Engr., 25 x 20.5 cm, professionally contemp. handcol. and heightened w. gold by an "afsetter". After Antoine Dieu (ca. 1662-1727), publ. in Paris by Chereau. Fully backed, wrinkled. An orig. engr., finely prepared to serve as a holy picture ("bidprent"). (2) "Uitwendige vertoning des toren van Babel." Engr., 31 x 19.5 cm. 1725. From Calmet, Het algemeen groot historisch, oordeelkundig, chrologisch, geografisch, en letterlyk naamen woord-boek, van den gantschen H. Bybel. -and 12 miscell. others, incl. 4 prints on the Spanish inquisition (2x contemp. handcol.), 2 prints on the Lutherans of Augsburg by Bernard Picart (1732) and a very large engr. by G. Audran after Poussin (in mediocre condition).
(total 14)