[Bibliography] Six titles: (1) John Dreyfus. A History of the Nonesuch Press
With (...) a descriptive catalogue (...). London, The Nonesuch Press, 1981. XV,(1),319,(2) p. Printed in 950 numb. copies, ills. Orig. gilt cl. w. dust wr. Folio. (2) Paul van Capelleveen, a.o. Het ideale boek. Honderd jaar private press in Nederland, 1910-2010. Nijmegen etc., Vantilt etc., 2010. 252,(3) p. Richly ill. Orig. boards. Folio. (3) Esther Sparks. Universal Limited Art Editions. A History and Catalogue: The First Twenty-five Years. New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1989. 551,(1) p. Num. ill. Orig. cl. w. dust wr. 4to. -and 3 others on artists' magazines.
(total 6)