[Propaganda] Two OSPAAAL posters: (1) Libano: Unidos Venceremos!
United we shall win! Unis nous vaincrons! Des. by Victor Manuel Navarrete, Cuba, 1980. Offset, 74.5 x 43 cm. 2 sm. wormholes in the centre of the poster, margins sl. foxed.
(2) 15 de mayo Día de Solidaridad Mundial con la Lucha del Pueblo de Palestina/ May 15 Day of World Solidarity with the struggle of the People of Palestine/ le 15 mai Journée de Solidarité Mondiale avec la Lutte du Peuple de Palestine. Des. by Andres Hernandez, Cuba, 1974. Offset, 68.5 x 50 cm. Sl. stain in upper left margin. OSPAAAL stands for the Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America, founded in 1966 in Havana, Cuba. (total 2)