Hervé Fischer /Pharmacie Fischer Inc., Pilules (Pills), undated mid 1970s
Transparent plastic box, 5 x 6 x 4.5 cm, containing styrofoam balls and an inserted card. The card is stamped 'Apotheek Fischer, Pillen zijn het leven' (Pharmacy Fischer, Pills are Life) and features the handwritten prescription 'against pills'. Signed by the artist. The backside of the card shows the more common French text 'Les Pilules, c'est la vie.' Multiple in unknown edition.
The Fischer pharmacy was a performative endeavour by French artist Hervé Fischer (1941) in which 'patients' were given sociological art remedies to contemporary diseases. The travelling pharmacy was most active in 1974-1977, prescribing pills for freedom, against conceptual art, against money, for changing the world, etc. This prescription box with Dutch text is scarce. French versions are held in the collection of the Centre Pompidou in Paris. The plastic tape closure on the box has yellowed, else in fine state.