[South America] Eight maps: (1) "d'Engelse Volkplanting in 't Amerikaans
gewest Gujana, en Rio de Las Amazones, door de Scheept-Togt van Charles Leig begonnen." Handcol. engr. map, 16.5 x 23.5 cm, within decorative handcol. borders printed from a separate plate, total size 22 x 29 cm. Leyden, Pierre van der Aa, ca. 1710. (2) "Guiana sive Amazonum Regio." Engr. map by Arnold Montanus w. nice title cartouche and scale cartouche showing native people, 28.5 x 36 cm. Ca. 1671-73. Margins w. strips of sellotape verso, dam. blank corners and some sm. holes/ thin spots. (3) "Schets Kaart van de Kolonie Suriname of Ned.sch. Guiana". Partly handcol. lithogr. map w. inset plan of Paramaribo, 31 x 45 cm. From Gezigten uit Neerland’s West-Indien (...) beschreven door G.W.C. Voorduin, Amst., Fr. Buffa en Zonen, ca. 1860-70. Waterst. and creases in blank margins. -and 5 others.
(total 8)