Milan Kunc, self-published xerox books and manifestoes
(1) Manifesto der Kontrolierten Torheit. San Christobald de las Casas (Mexico), 1977. Three A4 sheets photocopied both sides with drawings and handwritten text. Shows imprint of paperclip and dog-ear.
(2) Konsumisten aller Länder vereint euch. Dusseldorf, 1978. Xeroxed collages, drawings and some text in b/w. Bound with illustrated tape on spine, 28.5 x 21 cm, 36 pp. (3) Künstler arbeiten zusammen. Dusseldorf, 1980. Xerox on different colour paper, bound with green tape on spine, 29.5 x 21 cm, 28 pp. Features collaged documentation of a collaborative project with Jörg Immendorff. Scarce items in good state. (total 3)