Visual poetry publications published in The Netherlands
(1) GJ de Rook, XPRMNTL PTRY. Nijmegen, Exp/press, 1971. (2) Hans Clavin, L' Angerie visuele poëzie. Amsterdam, Bezige Bij, 1973. With stamped ex libris. (3) Woord Beeld Werkelijkheid. Utrecht, 't Hoogt, 1974. Contributions by Hans Clavin, Herman Damen, Pier van Dijk, Robert Joseph, G.J. de Rook, U.G. Stikker. Toning on cover, else good. (4) Anthologie visuele poezie. Amsterdam, Bert Bakker, 1975. Survey of concrete and visual poetry edited by G. J. De Rook. With contributions by 133 artists from 25 countries, 220 pp.
5) Three numbered issues from the stencilled art and poetry zine series 'Joost' (No.1 1975 and No.2 1976) and PZH (No.3 1976) edited by Robert Joseph et al. (5) Commonpress 31: Meetings. 78 works by 80 artists from 20 countries. Edited by Pier van Dijk, part of the Commonpress series founded by Pawel Petasz. This copy signed by van Dijk and Joseph, numbered 172/200. Ringbound, 78 pp. Contributions by Baroni, Carrion, Groh, Bruscky, G.Marx, Vigo et al. (total 8)