Ian Hamilton Finlay, boats/planes
Ten cards loosely pertaining to this theme, all published by Wild Hawthorn Press. (1) Trombone carrier, 1975. Card with one added paperclip/trombone, housed in green folder. (2) Kamikaze Butterflies, Cherry Blossom Splinters, 1973. White tissue paper with text and drawings, inserted in a blue folded sheet.
(3) Iron ship, 1972. With Ian Gardner. (4) Flags, 1971. With Simon Cutts. (5) Folk boat – billyboy, 1999. With Nina Ivancic. (6) Patch, n. a whole part, 1999. With Andrew Whittle. (7) Calendar, 1975. With Laurie Clark. Folding card. (8) Wave - solitary wave - great wave of translation, 1979. (9) PERSEVERE, stripped of her gear and relying on power alone, 1978. (10) Handley Page Heyford - English Hay-Barge, 1978. With Gary Hincks. (total 10)