Four stanley brouwn invitation cards
(1) Konrad Fischer, Dusseldorf, 1970. Light spotting. Mailed to Frans Haks. (2) Videogalerie Gerry Schum, Hannover, 1970. Announcement for brouwn's contribution to Identifications/TV exhibition II. Recto features b/w image from brouwn's film 'One Step' featuring the artist taking one step with the camera at the Dam in Amsterdam. Mailed to collector Karl Heinemann.
(3) Kabinett für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremerhaven, 1976. Mailed to Rudi Fuchs. (4) Kabinett für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremerhaven, 1979. Mailed to Kunstinformatie Middelburg. Fine copies. (total 4)