[Postincunabula. Prayerbook] Hortulus anime cum alijs q[uam] plurimis orationibus pristine impressioni superadditis;
ut tabulam in huius calce annexa[m] intue[n]ti pate[n]tissim[u]m erit. Printed by Johannes Clein. Lyon. 1518 [for Anton Koberger, Nuernberg]. Sm. 8vo, 19th cent. red mor., gilt edges w. blind stamped round lining, gilt title on spine, line border w. sm. ornamental corners, marbled endpapers w. typogr. line borders. Text in red and black. Illustrated title in woodcut [Virgin Mary w. Child], kalendarium, prayers, the life of Brigitte and index; all in woodcut illustrated borders (some of these w. year 1515), (38) p., 209 folio leaves (=418 p.), (2),(1) p.
82 woodcuts in the text and on the full page, Colophon on last text page. Repaired. Cropped pages. Lacks p. c.II. 3 text lines crossed out on f. 88. A few brown spots. Name on 1st endpaper, notes in ink and pencil on last endpapers.