Five various illustrated works: (1) La Genèse. Liber Genesis
Cap. primum, secundum et tertium. Texte de la Vulgate et traduction française de Le Maistre de Sacy. Paris, Pichon, 1921. 62 p. No. 243 of 480, signed by the publ., woodcut ills. by Hermann-Paul. Orig. wr. w. title in Hebrew. Folio. Spine worn, else fine. (2) Ti-na-mé (pseud. P. Buyssens). Lise tout-seul. Contes illustrés pour Enfants. Brussels, J.E. Goossens, 1924. 43 p. Ill. by P. Buyssens. Orig. ill. wr. 4to. (3) Maurice Maeterlinck. Pelleas e Melisenda. Versione Italiana di Carlo Bandini. Xilografie disegnate ed incise da Charles Doudelet. Spoleto, C. Argentiere, (1922). 165 p. No. 126 of 1000, num. b/w woodcut ills., dedication signed by the publ. on upper flyleaf. Orig. ill. wr. Sm. folio. -and 2 others.
All sl. worn. (total 5)