[Art deco] Schoonheid en opvoeding. Twelve issues
Orgaan v.d. Nederlandsche Vereeniging Schoonheid in Opvoeding en Onderwijs. Onder redactie van Emmy J. Belinfante, Jan Goverts en J.D. Ros. Year 21, nos. 4-6, year 22, nos. 1, 2, 4 and 6 and year 23, nos. 1-4 and 6. July 1927-Nov. 1929. Each issue w. 16 p. Orig. stapled art deco wr. in different col.
All but 1 w. manuscript library shelf no. on front wr. and library stamp on 1st p., occas. other sm. defects. Very rare periodical w. beautiful typography and striking wr. designs. (total 12)