[Graffitti, Punk] Rosetta Brooks, ed. ZG Magazine
9 issues (1 duplicate). London, Gallery House Press, 1980-81. Orig. wr. Cutting edge pop art/ punk rock/ avant garde periodical. Incl. a.o.: interviews w. Duggie Fields, Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood; Jame Chance and New York Noise related articles; Kim Gordon on "Redefining Masculinity in some recent Art"; "A look at graffiti Painting and the Hip Hop Scene"; "The Politics of Sadism"; and "The Altar and the Gutter: The Photography of Jean-Marc Prouveur". Good condition. Added: (1) Prothese. Politiek & Seksualiteit. 5 issues. Amst., 1938-85. (2) Slechte meiden. 9 issues (incl. 3 doublettes). Amst., 1985-86.
(total 23)