M.C. Escher (1898-1972). Overdekt steegje in Atrani and Spinrag
(Covered Alley in Atrani and Cobwebs). 2 wood engr., 17.9 x 12.8 and 18 x 13.7 cm, monogrammed and "11-31" respectively only monogrammed in the block (1931).
In: G.H. 's-Gravesande, De graphicus M.C. Escher (8) p. Bool 150 and 154. Part of Halcyon. Driemaandelijksch Tijdschrift voor Boek-, Druk- en Prentkunst. The Hague, A.A.M. Stols, 1940-42. The quire lacking the other 2 (loose) prints by Escher (Grasshopper and Scarabs). (total 2)