[Photomontage] Spanish Civil War, thirteen Dutch language booklets
(1) Spanje. Rebellen verwoesten ziekenhuizen, hospitalen, kerken, kloosters (...). N.pl., n.publ., n.d. (ca. 1936), (24) p. (incl. wr.), w. photomontage ills. and orig. wr. des. by C. Oorthuys. Staples removed, otherwise a good copy of this impressively illustrated, rare booklet. (2) De waarheid omtrent Spanje! Bulletin No. 2. Uitgegeven door de Commissie "Hulp aan Spanje", Nederlandsche afdeeling van het Internationale "Comité de coordination et d'information pour l'aide à l'Espagne républicaine, te Parijs. Amst., n.d. (ca. 1936), 23 p., orig. photomontage wr. by P. Alma. Staples removed (rust stains remaining), wr. sl. foxed/ stained. (3) Ter kennisname. Storm over Spanje. Amst., Agentschap Amstel, 1934, 16 p. (incl. wr.) printed on thin pink paper. Staples removed (rust stains remaining). Owner's stamp on front wr. Very rare. -and 10 (rare) others, incl. Bulletin No. 1 and 6 "Hulp aan Spanje", a work by J. Brouwer ("Ter recensie", w. signature by the author (?) on h-title) and A. Meijer, Vier weken Spanje (Oisterwijk, De Ramshoorn, 1938), in favour of Franco.
(total 13)