[Judaica and hebraica] Ten titles: (1) Tal, T. Oranjebloesems,
uit de gedenkbladen van Neerlands Israel. Feestgave bij de inhuldiging van H.M. Wilhelmina, Koningin der Nederlanden. Amst., Van Creveld & Co., 1898, 136 p., orig. gilt-lettered pictorial cl., 4to. Deluxe edition on heavy and large handmade paper. -and a copy of the ordinary edition. (2) Herzl, T. Zionistische Schriften. Ed. L. Kellner. Berlin, Jüdischer Verlag, n.d. (1905), 2 parts in 1 vol., 312,(7); 312,(3) p., w. portraits and plates, contemp. hcalf, 4to. W. 3 owner's entries of members of the Van Creveld family on first title-p. (3) Gedenkboek ter gelegenheid van het 40-jarig bestaan van het Centraal Blad voor Israelieten in Nederland. Amst., Van Creveld & Co., 1925, 96 p. (interleaved w. blanks), num. ills. and adverts, orig. cloth-backed pictorial boards after R. Hamstra, 4to. Lower hinge weak, spine-ends worn. -and 7 others in 8 vol., incl. works published by Van Creveld, of which 2 vols. w. school prize awarded to Maurits van Creveld by the Nederl. Israel. Godsd. School, Amst., 1897-98.
(total 10 in 11 vols.)