[Alphabet books] 25 (rare) alphabet books and related ephemera
Late 19th-21st cent. (1) Send a letter from the Johnson Banks post office. Complete alphabet of 26 shaped cardboard cards in var. col., w. the orig. binding cord w. attached label preserved. (2) Lucas Kilians Neues ABC Büchlein Augsburg 1627. Berlin, Freundeskreis der Bibliothek des Kunstgewerbemuseums, 1922, printed in a lim. numb. ed., no pagination, orig. boards. (3) Bayer. Het leerrijke Aspirin ABC. Advertorial alphabet game, ca. 1950, incl. a card w. rules of the game and 26 ill. cards for the alphabet, all 10.5 x 8 cm, loose as issued in the orig. paper portfolio. The letter U present twice. (4) Het vro-lijk ABC. Ge-rijmd en ge-te-kend door Dick Vandé. The Hague, Van der Horst, n.d. (1946), (14) p. w. col. ills., orig. stapled wr., narrow 8vo. The letter N with the text: "N is een ne-ger, die eet een banaan." See the section white on black/ black interest in this auction. -and 23 others, incl. Sunlight ABC (Vlaardingen, n.d.), Nieuw Boekhandels ABC (Issued by G.W. Breughel, 1944), F. Zacher, 't ABC van de Voorraadsbescherming (1941), ABC van de Zaanstreek (ca. 1965) and Corina Agatha Smit, Corina's ABC (1947).
Some duplicates. (total 27)