
LOT 1219
SOLD €90,00

[World War II] Rot, J. (1892-1982). Paraat. Fifteen issues

October 1944 - Mai 4-5 1945. Mostly single lvs. w. stencilled/ letterpress text on 1 side and full-p. ill. by Rot on the other side, var. sizes. Comprises: Year 1944, Tweede Octobernummer and Tweede Novembernummer. Year 1945, No. 33, issue for 27 Febr. (unnumb.), no. 51, 64, 69, 74, 80, 89, 91, 96, 103, Eerste Meinummer and 107 (= bevrijdigings-editie). Occas. sm. defects due to the poor quality of the paper (brittle). Rare. Added: Vijf jaar hakenkruis over Nederland. Amst., Drukkerij Dico for "Paraat", (1945), no pagination, 49 plates and orig. wr. after Rot.

(total 16)

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