Léon, L. 40 booklets, labels and cards
Ca. 1920-60. (1) Echtes Waaning-Tilly Oel. Das altbewahrte Heilmittel. Einzige Fabrikanten Gebr. Waaming-Tilly Haarlem Holland. Haarlem, ca. 1930, 48 p., num. ills., book dec. and orig. stapled wr. des. by Léon, signed in print on front wr. (2) Unused cardboard box for a bottle of Echtes Waaning-Tilly Oel, 2.5 x 2.5 x 10.5 cm, printed in black, green-blue and orange, almost certainly des. by Léon but without monogram or signature. (3) A.M.V.J. Amsterdamsche Mij. voor Jonge Mannen. Een open deur voor alle jonge menschen. Amst., L. van Leer & Co., n.d. (ca. 1930), 24 p., ills., book dec. and orig. stapled wr. des. by Léon. (4) Slank en gezond door Zonnegoud Vermagerings-Kruiden. Zonnegoud - Haarlem. Packing label, 23 x 16.7 cm, printed in blue, black, red and yellow on semi-transparent paper, des. by Léon, w. his printed monogram. (5-6) Horco Shawls. Horco Product. 2 cardboard displays, 18.5 x 13 cm, printed in red, blue and black, w. fold. stand at the back. -and approx. 35 others w. designs by Léon, incl. differently col. and sized series of labels of Lokin & Weisz and another sm. publication by Waaning-Tilly.
Not much could be found on the graphic designer Léon, for example not mentioned by the RKD. (total approx. 40)