Hergé. Tintin. Twelve various figurines
(1) Moulinsart figurine, "Haddock et le Bourgogne vieux" from "Le Crabe aux pinces d'or". Hand-painted lead, 6 cm tall, 2010. No. 839/1000, w. (sl. dam.) certificate of authenticity. (2) Moulinsart figurine, "Zorrino et les oranges" from "Le Temple du soleil". Hand-painted lead, 4 cm tall, 2008. Stamped "Hergé Moulinsart 2008" on bottom. Complete w. basket and oranges. (3) Pixi figurine, "Tintin lisant son journal". Chair, Tintin and Milou, hand-painted lead, chair 5 cm tall. Stamped "Pixi Paris" on bottom. -and 6 other figurines from var. stories.
Good condition. (total 12)