[Catchpenny prints] 500 epinal/catchpenny prints
All 19th cent. (1) Four Imagerie d'Epinal prints, ca. 1890: Le petit chaperon rouge, Le nain jaune, Le chat botté and Marthe la bonne petite ménagère. (2) Many copies (most complete) of a series of 60 Imagerie d'Epinal prints in English "printed expressly for the Humoristic Publishing Co, Kansas City, Mo.", ca. 1850-75. Prints of var. stories such as Impossible Adventures, Francis the Foundling, The Discreet Child and The Selfish Little Boy. (3) Var. prints from the Prenten-Magazijn voor de Jeugd, publ. by D. Noothoven van Goor (mid 19th cent.).
All fragile, w. sm. tears, browning. (total approx. 500)