Twelve booklets on contraception,
women's health and raising children. Most mid 20th cent. Incl. a.o.: (1) Dickinson, R.L. Techniques of Conception Control. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1950. Printed for Planned Parenthood Federation of America. 59 p. Stapled wr. (2) Rouget, H.J. De Toepassing der Voorbehoedmiddelen tegen Zwangerschap. Amst., Graauw, n.d. 11th printing. 63 p. Stapled wr. (3) Nieuw-Mathusiaanse Bond. Verenging ter Bewuste Regeling ven het Kindertaal. 1881. Stapled wr. Added: Approx. 50 var. items, such as booklets, advertorial postcards, labels and flyers related to health and medicine. Most early to mid 20th cent. Incl. a.o.: (1) Handleiding bij de Verzorging van den Zuigeling. Utrecht, W. Leijdenroth, n.d. (2) Depocilline. Procaine-Penicilline-Delft. Booklet on the drug. (3) Prospectus of the Nationaal Bureau Bevordering Hygienische Gewoonten.
(total approx. 62 in 2 ring binders)