[Netherlands] Collection of small maps of Utrecht and Gelderland
(1) Descriptio Episcopatus Ultrajectini. Ortelius, ca. 1600. (2) Ultrajectum. Amst., P. Goos, 1616. (3) Ultrajectum. P. Goos. Amst., Janssonius, ca. 1630, German ed. (4-5) Geldria Ducatus. P. Bertius after P. Goos. Amst., ca. 1630. German and French ed. (6-7) Ultrajectensis Episcopatus. Michael Aitzinger. One col., verso blank. (8) Episc. Ultrajectensis. Amst., D. de la Feuille, ca. 1700. -and a.o. Wageningen, Blaeu 2x, Woerden 2x col., Maerseveen and Gouda. All copper engr., var. sizes.
Nice collection. (total 14)