
LOT 1545
SOLD €360,00

Lot of 220 miscellaneous books, booklets, pamphlets, caricatures and letters

Mostly Dutch, but also incl. a few (pro) German items, ca. 1938-45. A varied collection, also including a number of items produced just after the war. A number of items have a caricatural nature, the collection also includes some modern reference works on this kind of art produced during the war. Incl. a.o.: (1) "Zeer geachte heer Schreuder. Indien mogelijk zouden wij het zeer op prijs stellen indien de kinderen nog even aan de schoolvoeding konden deelnemen, daar wij in het geheel geen aardappelen hebben [signed]." Short letter in pen, dated 16-5-1945. (2) "Geachte heer, gaarne zou ik zien, dat één of meer van mijne kinderen in de komende tijd aan de warme schoolvoeding zouden kunnen deelnemen [signed]. Short letter in pen, dated Amsterdam, 14 mei 1945. (3) "Oorlogswinter 1944-1945." Large fold. plate after L. Visser, the sheet measuring 49.5 x 65.5 cm, publ. by Vondel in Amst., (1945). Caricature showing the difference between fat Germans and starving Dutch people. (4) English language folded silk soldier's map of France, no date. (5-6) Two variants of the game "zoek het 5de zwijn/ where is the 5th pig"; when folded correctly, creates a portrait of Hitler. (7) Passierschein. Der deutsche Soldat, der diesen Passierschein vorzeigt, benutzt ihn als Zeichen seines ehrlichen Willens, sich zu ergeben. Safe conduct. The German soldier who carries this safe conduct is using it as a sign of his genuine wish to give himself up. Sm. folded leaf printed on both sides, w. the printed signature of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Sm. defects. (8) Tentoonstelling van fotografische opnamen van Duitse concentratiekampen en verwoest Arnhem., n.publ., n.d. (1945), 32 p., orig. stapled wr. A shocking documentary series of photographs. (9) Hoef, A. v.d. Mijn kamp. Gedichten uit het Concentratiekamp, Amersfoort. Groningen, Werkman, (1945), 32 p., orig. stapled wr. (10) 22 sm. photographs, 8 showing the destruction after the bombing of Rotterdam, 14 Mai 1940.

Some duplicates. (total approx. 220 in 1 box)

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