Dutch artists, 68 various items: (1) Gestel, L. (1881-1941). Philips Arga
4 bookmarks (1 duplicate) des. by Gestel, all approx. 20 x 5 cm. One lacking top. Complete set. (2) Spreekmeester, I. (1914-2000). Bruinzeel kleur- en tekenpotloden. De beste van de klas! Blotter des. by Spreekmeester, 15.5 x 10 cm, together w. a flyer for Bruynzeel Potloden des. by the same, mounted on cardboard. (3) Jung, C. (1898-1965). Gramofoonplaat-parodieën. "His Master's Voice". Amst., P.J. Richter & Zonen, n.d. (ca. 1935), 40 p., each w. caricature by Jung, orig. stapled wr. by the same, 4to. Very rare, no copies in NCC. -and 60 others w. des. by Gestel (7x), Spreekmeester (11x, incl. the rare portfolio Amsterdam, zes pentekeningen), Jung (8x), O. Fabrès (7x), L. Visser (5x), B. van Vlijmen (9x) and 13 others by B.W. Wierink, L. Ansingh and W. Heskes.
(total 68)